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Neon-Operator  Example 

This operator adds a glow effect to an image.


Name        Possible Values/Unit            Description

Output      STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8  output-buffer
Red,        0...255                    color of the part of the image
Green,      0...255                    to midify
Blue        0...255
Radius      pixels                     radius of the effect
Tolerance   0...1.0                    color-tolerance
Intensity   0...1.0                    intensity
Algorithm                              algorithm to use
            TRIVIAL                    use a algorithm like DPaint to surround
                                       the affected image-cluster
            HK-CLUSTER                 use a Hoshen-Kopelman-algorithm [1] to
                                       detect and modify individual clusters

[1] Phys. Rev.B14, 3428 (1976)